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A. Ethics

A. Ethics

  • Adopt a written code of ethics and/or values statement and adhere to it in implementing the land trust’s mission, in its governance and in its operations.
  • Adopt a written whistle blower policy that protects individuals who come forward with information on illegal practices or unethical behavior.
  • Do not participate in transactions that are potentially fraudulent or abusive.


The land trust upholds high ethical standards through being inclusive and through honesty, openness, transparency, fairness, integrity, and the avoidance of any perceived or actual conflict of interest in its governance and operations, including implementation of its mission. A land trust’s ethical obligations extend from the land conservation community to donors and taxpayers, landowners, the land and the community at large. A land trust should embrace the fundamental values of honesty, integrity, fairness, respect, trust, responsibility, inclusiveness and accountability in all of its operations. A board should consider adopting an ethics statement.

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