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  2. Standard 9: Ensuring Sound Transactions

Standard 9: Ensuring Sound Transactions

Obtain a legal review of every land and conservation agreement transaction, appropriate to its complexity, by a lawyer or notary experienced in real estate law. Land trusts work diligently to see that every land and conservation agreement transaction is legally, ethically and technically sound. A land trust usually intends to protect the property it conserves in perpetuity. To help secure the perpetual conservation of land, its transactions must hold up over time and withstand challenges. Sound transactions rely on the land trust performing “due diligence” in its transaction steps. Land trust representatives need not be lawyers, but they must have good legal advice, and they should familiarize themselves with basic principles of real estate and tax law. The land trust should draw a landowner’s attention to issues that must be addressed as the transaction proceeds. However, a land trust should not represent itself as giving specific legal or financial advice; a landowner’s own advisors should do that. A land trust may have to call on other financial and technical experts in order to complete the transaction. Carefully documenting the steps a land trust takes in performing its due diligence can help secure the perpetual conservation of the property.