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  2. Standard 3: Board Accountability

Standard 3: Board Accountability

Board members understand their roles, approve mission and plans, oversee finances, adopt policies, evaluate the executive director, and delegate responsibly. Land trust boards act ethically in conducting the affairs of the organization and carry out their legal and financial responsibilities as required by law. Volunteers serve on a board for many reasons, but most often because they enjoy working with others to carry out the mission of the organization. The board has legal and ethical responsibilities to maintain the public’s trust and the land trust’s credibility. Every board member must understand these responsibilities. A board member who does not properly fulfill such duties or responsibilities may incur personal liability. To fulfill their duties, board members must become knowledgeable about their duties and responsibilities and the activities of the organization. A person who is not able to assume the responsibilities of a board member should not be on the board, but could serve the land trust in some other way.