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  2. Standard 2: Compliance with Laws

Standard 2: Compliance with Laws

Comply with all applicable federal, provincial and municipal laws and regulations. Land trusts fulfill their legal requirements as not-for-profit organizations and comply with all laws and regulations. A land trust must comply with applicable laws. An understanding of, and compliance with, the basic legal requirements is fundamental to operating a land trust. This includes such matters as becoming and remaining a charitable organization. A land trust that fails to comply with these requirements can face financial penalties and fines, which could also apply to directors, and even revocation of its charitable status. A lawyer who understands charitable organizations can assist, but ultimately it is the land trust board’s responsibility to see that all requirements are met. Requirements include, but are not limited to: completing all corporate filings, completing the Registered Charity Information Return, Form T3010; retaining charitable status; following charitable solicitation laws; and adhering to the relevant federal, provincial or local regulations on non-profits or land trusts (such as waiting periods before being able to hold conservation agreements in some provinces).